The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reed

The novel The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, written by Taylor Jenkins Reed, is about a Hollywood actress named Evelyn Hugo.  After a long life and career at 79 years old Evelyn decides to let a journalist interview her about her life and seven husbands. This book discusses Evelyn’s feelings for each husband, her love for each one of them, and her reasoning for each marriage. Evelyn must also live with the grief of her dead loved ones. This is something that affects the way she sees love, and affects her process of dealing with emotional struggles as well. I enjoyed this book because it taught me to question love and wonder what it truly is. I also learned to question the reasoning for my actions. I loved the philosophy of this book along with the fitting ending for Evelyn’s long and troubling life. Although seven husbands might seem unbelievable to many people, this is what it took to allow Evelyn to realize who she was truly in love with and what she really wanted.

Written by Arianna, Teen Volunteer

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