A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas

“A Court of Wings and Ruin” by Sarah J. Maas is the third book in the ACOTAR series. Feyre returns to the Spring Court to gather information on Tamlin’s doings and to destroy him slowly while she’s at it. For instance, she points out that not only did Tamlin sell Prythian out, but he also chose to trust Ianthe, the High Priestess instead of his own soldiers who chose to fight for him and so that seemed like betrayal to them. Then she escapes with Lucien to go back to the Night Court. Once there, she and Rhysand invite every High Lord of  Prythian to discuss Hybern and what they are going to do. The whole point is to gather allies so they can unite as one because they need all the help they can get if they want to defeat Hybern’s army. Feyre also has to deal with her sisters who were forcefully turned into High Fae after being thrown into the Cauldron by the King of Hybern himself, so they are having a hard time coming to terms with who they are. Because of this Elaine is very depressed and Nesta is angry and she takes it out on everybody else, especially Feyre. But because Nesta and Elaine were made by the Cauldron, they have special capabilities that will help them in the war, so Nesta reluctantly agrees to help and begins to train with Amren. While this is happening, the Summer Court gets attacked and the Night Court quickly comes and helps Tarquin’s people. Rhys and Feyre gather allies like no other, surprising each other on the battlefield. 

While war is occurring, too many times have I started crying because of death, Amren, Cassian, and Rhys, oh Rhys! Rhys and Feyre both learn about themselves, but while Feyre discovers her spiteful self, her powerful and determined ruler’s nature, Rhysand reveals his fragile, tender side. The part that drove him to commit himself in order to keep the people he cared about free. I loved this book because it brought out so many emotions. Because it’s set during war, each character expresses their love for each other regardless of the hate they might have had as a façade earlier and that is so beautiful to me. Recommended to fantasy romance lovers ages 13 and up. 

Written by Julia, Teen Volunteer

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