We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

We Were Liars tells the story of the Sinclair family who live on their grandfather’s private island every summer. The group of teenagers call themselves “The Liars” and go on various adventures together all summer long, forming an unbreakable bond. However, when an incident happens to Cadence and causes her to lose most of her memories, she is forced to stay off the island for a few summers. One summer, Cadence begins to slowly recall various events that happened the summer of her accident. Each of the “Liars” are doing their best to help Cadence recall her memories. By the end of the book, what truly happened to Cadence that one summer is revealed and her life is changed forever.

Personally, I loved this book. It is one of the best books I’ve ever read due to the interesting plot and the structure of the book. At first, the book was a little confusing, however, once the truth is revealed, everything comes together seamlessly. The plot was so engaging, and I wanted to read more and more about each person’s story. I could not put down this book while I was reading it because it was so engaging. I finished the book in about two sittings. I would recommend this book to any young adult. It is an easy read, but the plot is complex enough to draw readers in.

Written by Julia, Teen Volunteer

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