Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Six of Crows is in the same Grisha universe as Leigh Bardugo’s other books, though intriguingly this book can be read stand alone. It’s very popular to compare this book to Oceans 11, and that comparison is startlingly spot on. The plot is a constant high-speed heist of breaking into the most highly guarded security prison with a ragtag team of teenagers. However everyone in the group has their own agenda, which is kept hidden from the reader because of the third person perspective. The experience of this book is similar to learning how to drive without having your license. It’s dark, action-packed and beautifully written, what else could you ask for?

Written by Katelyn, Teen Volunteer

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo is easily one of the most interesting books I’ve ever read. I’ve always loved the found-family trope in fantasy novels like this, and the family the main character Kaz and his crew find really make the book. The writing style is beautiful, and matches the mood of the plot quite well. Usually, switching between multiple points of view can be quite confusing, but Bardugo was able to use it to her advantage. I love every single character that Bardugo created in this heist, and can’t wait to read about them more in the second novel. Overall, this book gets 5 stars from me, and I recommend it to those who enjoy fast-paced books with lots of action.

Written by Riley, Teen Volunteer